Subject Overview

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Art and design stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a unique way of understanding and responding to the world.  Pupils use colour, form, texture, pattern and different materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think. Through art and design activities, they learn to make informed value judgements and aesthetic and practical decisions, becoming actively involved in shaping environments. They explore ideas and meanings in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers. They learn about the diverse roles and functions of art, craft and design in contemporary life, and in different times and cultures. Understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts have the power to enrich our personal and public lives. * Art and design includes craft.


BTEC Level 1 Awards, Certificates and Diploma in Construction and Engineering

Course Provider Edexcel
Guided Learning Hours 180
GCSE Equivalent C – E

Brief Description

Edexcel is one of the largest vocational awarding bodies in the United Kingdom with an established reputation for quality and customer service.  Edexel is recognised by the regulatory authorities.

The units include.

  • Introduction to Health & Safety in the workshop
  • Recognise and use hand tools and materials used in construction
  • Basic bricklaying skills
  • Laying bricks in a line
  • Erecting half brick walls
  • Erecting one brick walls
  • Erecting block walls including openings
  • Applying paint by brush
  • Applying lining paper to wall areas

There is still quite a bit of written work to complete on the course, however all the units are broken down into small chunks with lots of practical work added in. The course will include trips to construction sites where possible, and all students will carry out some live work on an ongoing project within the school grounds. The course would be useful to anyone thinking about a career in construction.

Design & Technology

Design and Technology prepares pupils to participate in tomorrow’s rapidly changing technologies. They learn to think and intervene creatively to improve quality of life. The subject calls for pupils to become autonomous and creative problem solvers, as individuals and members of a team. They must look for needs, wants and opportunities and respond to them by developing a range of ideas and making products and  systems. They combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetics, social and environmental issues, function and industrial practices.  As they do so, they reflect on and evaluate present and past design and technology, its uses and effects. Through design and technology,  all pupils can become discriminating and informed users of products, and become innovators.


English is a vital way of communicating in school, in public life and internationally. Literature in English is rich and influential, reflecting the experience of people from many countries and times. In studying English, pupils develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. It enables them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others effectively in a range of circumstances. Pupils learn to become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama as well as non-fiction and media texts. The study of English helps pupils understand how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. Using this knowledge, pupils can choose and adapt what they say and write in different situations. They are also encouraged to develop spelling, punctuation and basic reading skills through a variety of teaching and learning methods, including the use of up-to-date software and online sites.

To ensure that each individual makes the best possible progress in English, we have an encompassing literacy intervention programme across Key Stages 3 and 4 providing opportunities for struggling readers and those lacking confidence with any aspect of communication to improve and progress well in life beyond school. The progress of Literacy Intervention students is tested regularly (utilising Read Write Ink, Stratford and Lexia online reading tests) and individual targets and learning plans are carefully maintained, the process closely monitored. Significantly, we also strive to provide intervention for higher performing, more able learners, with, for example, targeted withdrawal provision.

As well as participating in a comprehensive topic-based programme that delivers in full statutory elements of English on the National Curriculum, closing any gaps in Key Stage 2 learning, Key Stage 3 learners will have had the opportunity to achieve at least an Entry Level 3 Certificate in English, undertaking the AQA Step Up to English programme. The new GCSE English Language qualification (first exam 2017) and Functional Skills Levels 1 and 2 are the main English outcomes achieved by students at New Bridge Academy at key Stage 4, but as we strive to meet the individual needs of all learners, other outcomes can be made available, such as GCSE Media Studies, GCSE English Literature and a range of recognised certificates in English and functional literacy. It is so important the our learners are ‘equipped’ in the best possible way for the next stage of their journey, moving on to further/ higher education or indeed the workplace.

Ultimately, our aim is to inspire learners to recognise the importance of being able to communicate effectively in a variety of situations, finding joy and pleasure in the English language by structured exposure to just some of the endless treasure of words, literature and non-fiction, as well as opportunities to explore and respond creatively through discussion, writing opportunities, drama and role-play. We recognise that the English teacher should ignite a spark, stimulate inquisitive minds – encouraging our young people to ask questions about the world, learning not to take things on face value. In our English department, we see our role as not simply to get learners to pass exams: the English teacher’s job is to help develop and equip the young person’s mind for life.

Food Technology

Key stage 4

Students will follow the Edexcel BTEC Home Cooking Skills at level 1 or 2. Students will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge, understanding and confidence to cook meals and have the understanding of how to economise when planning a meal. Students will complete a practical assessment for their course and complete a portfolio.

Key stage 3

Food Technology will offer the students a chance to plan and cook various meals and carry out a broad range of practical cooking tasks safely and hygienically. Healthy eating, balanced diet and nutritional needs are some of the topics cover.


In accordance with the National Curriculum 2014 for humanities we aim to:

• develop pupils curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world
• encourage thinking about how the past influences the present
• develop chronological understanding
• help students to develop their sense of identity and understanding of their position in the community and the wider world
• help students develop the skills to research and investigate
• stimulate pupils’ curiosity and engagement
• increase knowledge and understanding of our changing world
• develop pupils competence in specific geographical skills
• help students gain a sense of responsibility for the world we live in

At Key Stage 3 we employ a contextual learning approach to humanities whereby students are offered a range of experiences through which students are able to construct meaning. These learning experiences are reinforced by direct teaching which meets specific, appropriately targeted learning goals. Appropriately delivered contextual learning takes place in a wide range of contexts, recognising and building upon the students’ diverse backgrounds, and the extent to which some of our students lack the early learning experiences through which neurological pathways are formed. Our curriculum places an emphasis upon collaborative learning, team work, problem solving and self-regulation; whilst supporting students’ skills development in English, Maths, Science and ICT.


Students begin the Edexcel BTEC ICT course in Year 8 and continue through to Year 11. During this time students cover an enormous range of modules in areas such as audio and video software, design and imaging software, Using the Internet, E-safety, Microsoft Office, and many more.

In total there are more than thirty different modules, which can be chosen by students in order to gain various qualifications contained within the BTEC. The BTEC awards range from Entry Level 3 to a Level 2 Diploma and students can complete the awards at any stage of their student career.

At The New Bridge Academy we recognise that a BTEC qualification is the preferable method of study when compared to a GCSE as there is a stronger focus on coursework and a greater choice for students in the modules that they undertake. The BTEC allows for a more hands on approach to learning with greater scope for their own individual learning styles.


Mathematics and the problem solving skills it develops are a universal language and skill that fits into every part of human culture. We all use it every day as a tool within finance, engineering, computing and daily life. Maths helps us to recognise patterns and from these understand the world around us. As a society we are becoming increasingly technically dependent and so an understanding of maths; its patterns, logic, processes and the analytical thinking skills that are developed are becoming ever more important and sought after by employers. Our students have opportunities to develop their skills and study first towards an Entry Level Qualification (Edexcel) then extend their learning into GCSE maths (OCR Linear B) at a foundation level, with a scope to reach the higher levels. A GCSE equivalent BTEC (Edexcel) is also offered, which deals with maths that is suited for a vocational setting.

Modern Woodland Apprentice (NCFE)

Students at New Bridge academy have embarked on a brand new option for the 2017/18 term.

The Modern Woodland Apprentice gives the students an opportunity to become forest craftsmen and woodland workers in a real work place setting.

Students have to create three craft items using naturally sourced materials in a woodland setting to accomplish the recognised qualification.

Participants become skilled in using traditional tools and skills to make Items such as Spoons, chopping boards and drinking vessels over a woodland year, in which all will spend the time in a local deciduous woodland throughout the changing seasons


GCSE Music

All students are offered the opportunity to undertake a GCSE in Music. This qualification involves the composition of two pieces of music, one of which relates to a specific style of music determined by the exam board, and two performance pieces which involve either an instrument or voice. The course is completed by way of a one hour listening exam.

Level 1 / 2 Performance Skills using Music

These are vocational courses that require a student to create a portfolio of recorded music accompanied by some written work and the collation of music scores and other relevant material. The portfolios are marked at the end of the year by an external examiner and if successful, students can move on to a higher level the following academic year. This course is primarily practical based and focuses on the performance and instrument skills of students.

Physical Education

The New Bridge Academy Physical Education Department offer a range of sports and physical activities aiming to engage our students encouraging participation for all levels. The department  runs with 2 subject leaders for generic PE and Outdoor Education, PE+. The PE Department assist our students in the development of skills through a range of activities, helps develop self esteem and improves personal behaviour management.
The PE Department covers the National Curriculum engaging students in a range of topics including: Football, Basketball, Health Related Fitness, Athletics, Gymnastics, Badminton and Cricket.

At Key Stage 4 we offer qualifications for a Level 1 in Exercise Studies and a Level 2 in Personal Fitness, Health, Wellbeing and Nutrition.

The department gives students a weekly opportunity to attend an external gym promoting fitness and confidence through ‘Cross Fit’, and also offer Extra Curricular activities.

PE+ engage all year groups through Key Stage 3 giving the students the opportunity to try new and alternative topics which returns great success and high engagement. Topics covered are; Rock Climbing, Abseiling, Cycling, Canoeing, Kayaking, Orienteering and more.

At Key Stage 4 the students have the opportunity to further their progression and gain qualifications through Level 1 and Level 2 courses for Outdoor Education.


Year 7 & 8

On the Lower Site PSHE for these students is taught through the topic based lessons that take place throughout the week. These lessons are valuable opportunities to educate our students about Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural issues and develop their understanding of British Values.

Year 9

At the beginning of Year 9 students will be introduced to PSHE and cover Rule Making.  Students participate in AQA Unit Awards in the following subjects: • Emotional Well-being, • Drugs education, • Action Planning & Self Review. Students will also study towards achieving the St Johns Ambulance Young Lifesavers Award (Part 1).   Team building and problem solving exercises provide an interesting finale to the years work. Students participate in AQA Unit Awards in the following subjects: • Law making and Pressure Groups, • Young People and Crime, • The Consumer and a variety of topical events such as The Holocaust and Remembrance Day. The Units also include all elements of the Key Stage 3 National Curriculum scheme of work.

Year 10

Students participate in AQA Units in the following subjects: • Sex & relationship education, • Healthy lifestyle, • Making informed career choices.   These units contribute toward and Entry Level qualification.  Students will also study towards attaining parts 2 & 3 of the St Johns Lifesaving award.  For Year11 students  there is also a module on careers and vocational education. Students participate in AQA Unit awards in the following subjects: •  Taxation & Finance, •  Business & Industry, •  Democracy in the UK, •  Participation in a citizenship activity, •  The UK & the EU, •  Human rights, Racism, •  Discrimination & Equal Opportunities, •  Global citizenship and The Media.  These units also include all relevant elements from the Key stage 4 National Curriculum schemes of work.  The programme also provides the opportunity to discuss and take part in topical events such as Red Nose Day and International Women’s day.

Year 11

In year 11, the focus in PSHE and Citizenship is on the working world. Students begin the year by taking part in an employment role-playing game (The Real Game).  They then study Taxation and Finance, Business and Industry and then their final First Aid Certificate. The focus then is on the EU and Democracy in the UK.  Students then finish off their Entry Level PSHE and also work towards the Preparation for Working Life Certificate.

Religious Education

Under the Education Act 1996 schools must provide religious education (RE) for all registered pupils, although parents can choose to withdraw their children. Schools,  other than voluntary aided schools and those of a religious character, must teach religious education according to the locally agreed syllabus. Each agreed syllabus should  reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teachings and practices of the other principal  religions represented in Great Britain.

Religious education makes a distinctive contribution to the school curriculum by developing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of religion, religious beliefs,  practices, language and traditions and their influence on individuals, communities, societies and cultures. It enables pupils to consider and respond to a range of  important questions related to their own spiritual development, the development of values and attitudes and fundamental questions concerning the meaning and purpose  of life.


Science stimulates and excites pupils’ curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. It also satisfies this curiosity with knowledge.  Because science links direct practical experience with ideas, it can engage learners at many levels. Scientific method is about developing and evaluating explanations through experimental evidence and modelling. This is a spur to critical and creative thought. Through science, pupils understand how major scientific ideas contribute to technological change – impacting on industry, business and medicine and improving quality of life. Pupils recognise the cultural significance of science and trace its worldwide development. They learn to question and discuss science-based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the world

Science at Key Stage 3

Aims and purposes of science

They think about the positive and negative effects of scientific and technological developments on the environment and in other contexts. Students follow the National curriculum for KS3 Science and cover a wide variety of topics covering biology, chemistry and physics. Students in year 9 are also entered for Entry Level Certificate in Science which gives an excellent grounding in the subjects to be covered at GCSE.

Science at Key Stage 4

Pupils at The New Bridge Academy are given the opportunity at KS4 to study Science in a manner which allows gradual progression from KS3 but allows accreditation for their efforts at all levels. It is not necessary for candidates to have studied Science before commencing work on this programme of study and no prior knowledge of the subject is necessary, although of course prior knowledge raises the expected level of attainment.

Students follow a linear examination system at KS4. This entails completing 3 examinations in June of the final year of study. Students sit 3 one hour examination papers, Biology, Chemistry and Physics together with 1 piece of written coursework.

In addition for those students who show a particular aptitude towards science alternative and additional GCSE course can be offered. Students in the past have taken AQA GCSE Human Health and Physiology, AQA GCSE Chemistry​ and Edexcel GCSE Astronomy.